On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 14:47:57 -0500, Kurt Griffin

> > Woking on the PC I had this problem many years ago as there
> > was no PC software for putting cue points into a QuickTime
> > file back then (and still today I think). So I approached it
> > from a Lingo level and wrote a behavior that simulates the
> > effect of cuepoints by just using counting the amount of time
> > the QT sprite has been playing. Works very well and I have
> > used it on several CD-ROM projects to great effect. It also
> > removes the messy business of having to edit in the QT
> > CuePoints in the first place!
> Sure, but the problem with that is it only works in Director ;)

I have some cuepoint code which uses ORDINARY text tracks (not the
perverted kind called 'chapter tracks' which are a bit of a nightmare
to get working consistently as cuepoints in Director).

When you drop the behavior onto a QT sprite, it will search the movie
and dump all the 'cuepoints' (i.e. the text samples and their
movietimes) into the QT member's cast member script (not a bad place,
right?). They're stored as script properties, and there are a couple
of handlers for accessing them.

The behavior itself duplicates most/all of the cuepoint functionality
that is supposed to work in Director, but tends not to. It does
'cuepast' callbacks and 'mostrecentcuepoint' and all that.

The good thing here is that you can use the same QT movie with text
track elsewhere if you wish. Converting to a chapter track is trivial
in QT player.

> What I'm trying to do is improve on a clunky production process
> for making QuickTimes with closed-caption tracks that can be
> turned on/off by the end user, as part of an accessible
> package. Those movies may run in Director, but also will exist
> on their own on the web - so I need it all living in the QT.

Have you looked at Applescript? The final step of adding the text
track and converting it to a chapter track can be fully automated.

Apple even have some scripts available for editing text tracks. If you
put them in the 'scriptmenu' (OSX) or OSA menu (OS9) you can run them
from inside QuickTime player. You can also write your own scripts.

Applescript is very much like old-style verbose lingo in a lot of ways
(and quite different in a few important other ways). If your lingo
isn't too shabby you can be up and running with Applescript fairly
quickly. QuickTime Player is one of the best tools to learn it with
because we all know about scripting QuickTime from Director.

> I've tried several tools for creating text tracks to fit the
> bill. The best I'd found was GoLive, surprisingly... and that
> isn't as streamlined as I'd like. So I thought I'd look into
> making a tool that is customized to a very specific job (as
> some monkey will be creating a few hundred of these by hand,
> I'd like to shave as many seconds off the individual creation
> time as possible). Haven't checked LiveStage yet... it's a bit
> pricey for this.

LiveStage is certainly expensive, especially if this is all you want
to do, but if you're planning to deliver interactive Quicktime Content
on the web, or mess around with some of QuickTime's more esoteric
features, it's a must have. VERY Applescriptable too. There's a free
demo which now even allows you to export movies for 30 days. Do check
it out.

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