----- Original Message -----
> This kind of issue would be solved if Macromedia gave us decent exception
> handling, so that we could stay in the scope of any anticipated errors
when and
> where they happened without being catapulted into the nebulous world of
> alerthook, which pops the entire call stack. (Does anyone ever use the
> alertHook?)

Christoffer has a try/catch object in his files area at openLingo
(www.openlingo.org). It's a start, but it's not perfect. AFAIK, it only
works properly in projectors.

Personally, I would like some form of exception handling built into Lingo,
but not like the clunky try/catch blocks in Java that make a simple 1 line
function into about 10 lines of exception handlers. Perhaps something more
like VBScript's "on error..." although I don't really know how good that is
because I don't do much VB.

Still, the main thing is that for the most part when scripting, errors can
simply be ignored. As long as we know that VOID = 0 = false, and functions
return VOID on error, then we can usually write code that doesn't care about
the difference between VOID and 0. The only reason we would care is if we
have a specific reason to care, or after this thread, because it seems that
the aforementioned does not hold true in Lingo.

- Robert

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