My pleasure! Visit and scroll halfway down (or Find "Director" in the page). You'll see short step-by-step instructions for changing a Director porjector's icon. I've been using that program and that procedure with Dir 8.5 under Windows 2000, and it works as advertised. Under Windows XP with Director MX I continue using the skl files that I made for 8.5 under WIndows 2000, and they work fine, too.

The process is essentially this: you use Microangelo to modify Director's Projec32.skl file (a Director resource). When you make a projector with the modified Projec32.skl in Director's folder, the projector has your modified icon. End of story. Just have to be careful and keep the original Projec32.skl in a safe place.

I keep a customized version of the Projec32.skl file for each of my projects, and before making a projector, I copy the the corresponding skl file to Director's folder. Since I use fast-start stub projectors for my projects, I don't have to make projectors that often, so it's not that much of a hassle.


At 09:18 AM 6/4/03 -0700, you wrote:
Slava - you mentioned the latest version of MicroAngelo comes with a Read Me file for Director users. I didn't see this - can you give more details?

I was wondering why I didn't see a simple 1-2-3 set of steps for us (Director users) somewhere in the help file etc.


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