Not necessary, but handy. You can define global variables there, and your projector will read them. You can establish settings there as well, such as "set the soundkeepdevice to 0". In other words, if there's a setting or variable you want to be able to change without modifying your movie or rebuilding the Projector, lingo.ini is a great place to do it. E.g., if your projector is a stub that starts the real movie by using "go to movie X", then you can define the movie that will be started by setting a global variable in lingo.ini. That way, as you rename your main movie, you don;t have to rebuild the projector--just change the variable's value in lingo.ini.


At 11:43 AM 7/9/03 -0400, you wrote:
Hi all...

In Bruce Epstein's book Lingo In A Nutshell, page 566, it talks about
including the lingo.ini file alongside the projector.  This, I assume, is in
addition to the <projectorName>.ini file I always include.  I've never
included a lingo.ini file when distributing my stuff on a CD (Windows), but
things have always worked.  Is it really necessary to do this?

Michael M.

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