>In Bruce Epstein's book Lingo In A Nutshell, page 566, it talks about
>including the lingo.ini file alongside the projector.  This, I assume, is in
>addition to the <projectorName>.ini file I always include.  I've never
>included a lingo.ini file when distributing my stuff on a CD (Windows), but
>things have always worked.  Is it really necessary to do this?

Some versions ago, like D3? or 4, Director had a hierarchy of paths it
would look for LINGO.INI in. Some of them were system paths. So if your
projector didn't have a LINGO.INI file, and some other Director projector
installed one at the system level, your projector could end up loading
their LINGO.INI file. The fix was to have your own next to the projector
because that's where Director looked first. I don't think current
versions of Director do the system searching any more, but I am guessing
that was Bruce's reason for recommending it.

Gretchen Macdowall
updateStage, inc.

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