> What I want to do is a single node, but with the image 
> animated. Take any of the samples and imagine the clouds
> and water moving, day becoming night. I donīt find any
> examples of something like this (yeah, I know is not
> going to be web friendly). Shouldnīt be difficult.


1. Make a Director 3D based panorama, really a sphere with inward normals (using 
RealViz or by hand in Lingo), then animate the texture using code. I know you started 
out looking for something not too Lingo intensive, but this may help you with your 
goal. Using Lingo you can either (a) animate textures so that your "day" texture 
blends out and your "night" texture blends in, or (b) have a large texture, half of 
which is night half of which is day, and then animate the texture's transform so that 
it is literally moving in the background. Some careful authoring could have you 
working with a nice wrap-around (day --> night --> day --> ... rinse, lather, repeat).

2. Again, make a Director 3D based panorama and then apply a "video texture". It's 
another tricky piece but you're in luck as I have an example of doing just this (more 
on that demo later). This way you have your panorama model (again, just a sphere with 
inward pointing normals) acting like a giant movie screen on which you are playing 
your video that shows day going to twilight, then to night, then to sunrise, then back 
to day, etc. Here is a link to the demo I referred to:


The above URL will take you to a page on which I discuss using a Flash sprite, where 
that Flash movie is a QuickTime file converted to a SWF using Sorenson's Squeeze 
utility, or using that QuickTime file directly, and then applying the 
_playing_video_with_audio_ as a texture to a 3D cube model. Your case would be quite 
similar except that you'd have to worry a bit about texture mapping (the video maps 
nicely on to a flat box surface, mapping it onto a sphere model may look funky). At 
the URL above you'll find a short write-up, demos to look at (at both high and low 
data rates) and *source*files* so you can look at my code. The initial intent of the 
demo was to compare "Flash Video Textures" against "QuickTime Video Textures" on a 
performance level.

I dunno how either of those ideas will pan out for you, but I figured I'd throw them 
out there for you to consider. If you do begin to dabble with 3D in Director then I'd 
highly recommend taking a look at dir3d-l, a *great* mailing list about 3D in 
Director, for info go here:


Good luck with your project, I hope our information helps out.

Rock on,
Tom Higgins
Product Specialist - Director Team


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