Matbe I was doing somthing wrong, but I have always had trouble with
Quicktime in MIAWs on windows. Seems to work fine on NT and Mac, but would
crash ME, XP, etc. You might want to try using Mpegs and Mpeg Advance Xtra
from Tabuleiro if you want to run Movies in a MIAW.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: <lingo-l> Projector vs. external cast - BUT MIAW...

Thanks again for answer.

Seems like some things are straightened out for me now.

I actually did get it to work with external casts and projectors (using
CastControl) will try the other tips that I have gotten from you as well.

Another MIAW issue:
When my main movie opens a MIAW that contains a quicktime movie it works
fine only the first time the MIAW is opened. If I close it and reopen it the
quicktime movie freezes and the controls does not work at all. Again it
works fine in authoring-mode but not in projector-mode.

I do handle "forgetMIAW" with "closeWindow" and such.

Something anyone has heard about or stumbled into?

> It doesn't need to be included in the projector, but it needs 
> to be specifically linked. Modify | Movie | Casts | Link. 
> Choose the cast, save and compact. That's the only way the 
> movie knows to use that cast.

OK, will try that. Thanks.

> I'll admit a little uncertainty on the MIAW issue. I'm pretty 
> sure the cast needs to be linked to the stage movie, but I 
> could be wrong. Try linking it to the MIAW movie first, then 
> if it doesn't work, link it to the stage movie too. I'd 
> appreciate a confirmation.

What I did was: use the CastControl Xtra (which allows me to attach and
detach *.cst's) and initialized it in the stage movie as well and then it
worked fine even in the projector. Have not tried it without CastControl but
will post message and result when I have done so.

> Ok, just a couple of caveats. First, have a place-holder 
> sprite for the sprites you're going to assign. It can be a 
> zero-pixel bitmap (open the paint window, name the cast 
> member, and close the paint window without drawing anything), 
> and of course the same cast member can be used for all the 
> place holder sprites.

Did not know about. I guess a part of my problem is that I create the the
sprites at the same time as the cast members and the assign the cast members
to the sprites.

> Also, you will probably want to specifically puppet the 
> sprites when you assign them new members.

I already puppet the sprites.

> The swfs can be heavy, but you do know that QT files are 
> always external, don't you? They're linked by nature, even if 
> the cast is internal.

Yes I did know that.

> Ok, I assume your projector is on a Mac. If it's on Windows, 
> you'll need to use the \ path seperator.

It actually is developed for both platforms but I did know about the path

> Is the projector in the same folder as your dir file? That 
> is, does the Assets:Content.cst cast exist as a subfolder? 

Yes it is.

> I'm not sure what setExternalFlaMemberProps does--does it 
> import swf files? If so, do you have specific paths to those 
> swf files?

It's a function for setting the flash member properties through lingo
instead of in the member properties in the actual cast because I (among
other things) need to set regPoint (which I didn't find in the props
window)... And even if I set some properties in the actual cast it seems my
main movie ignores them.

> If you're using 8.5 or later, it's time to set the 
> debugPlaybackEnabled = TRUE and do some puts to see what's 
> happening in the projector.

Will try.

> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson 

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