Ok, I see what you are saying. You need to capture the 'closeWindow' event, so to speak and use that to 'forget' the instance of the MIAW. Unfortunately, short of making your OWN toolbar and buttons, I don't know a way of getting this exact functionality.

I've been using Jacob's window closer with success. And the miaw's system close button triggers a closeWindow event. But I use it only with authoring utilities on Mac. Haven't seen it posted for a while, so here it is:

-- <movie script> (in the miaw)
on closeWindow
   script("miawCloserClass").new(the activeWindow)
-- </movie script>

-- <parent script "miawCloserClass"> (also in the miaw) property pWindow

on new me, aWindow
  pWindow = aWindow
  set t = timeOut(me.string).new(0, #unused, me)

on exitFrame me, aTimer
-- </parent script "miawCloserClass">

If you put these in the stage movie, you'll need to use 'tell'.

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