> This may be a bit offtopic but I hope someone with experience 
> with Chinese and director (Kerry?)

(Kerry prairie-dogs up)

> might help me decide if this is an 
> accidental or an essential problem:
> I see serious problems with the input and display of certain Chinese 
> characters into director (and Flash) editable fields / texts.
> (snip)
> So my question is: is it me? is it something about my choice 
> of tools? is there some lucky combination which I failed to find yet?
> is there no hope to do a Chinese text input with macromedia products?

I haven't tried it with Korean Director, but I've gotten it to work with
Japanese Director. Can you build a projector with the Japanese version?

Did the correct characters show up in the IME, and then appear
incorrectly in Director?

Taiwanese Windows probably uses Big-5 encoding. Are your fonts Big-5, or
perhaps GB encoded? Or maybe Unicode--that probably won't work. Director
doesn't support Unicode, as you undoubtedly know, nor do Flash sprites
in Director.

Is your text or field sprite set to use the Chinese font? Have you tried
it with a system font?

You wrote the words all as one in your post. Did you enter them that
way? Or did you try entering the syllables separately, e.g. wei shen me?
And, are you sure you got the right tones? Wei4 shen2 me.

Those are the things that occur to me. Sorry to grill you on some
admittedly basic things. Let me know, and I'll see what I can figure


Kerry Thompson

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