Hi all...

I'm using buddyAPI (v3.6, Windows) to copy some files using
baCopyFileProgress(). You can set this method to hide its progress bar
and use yours, and I made a Flash sprite to do that.  You can also set
this method to use a special callback handler (below) which would update
whatever you want on the progress of copying the file.

The buddyAPI callback handler has to be in a movie script, and that
flash sprite is in a MIAW, so I'm using "tell" to communicate with the
MIAW.  The problem is my flash variables aren't changing.  I've gone
through some older flash related posts, and I can't see what I'm doing
wrong.  Would anyone happen to have any advice?

Michael M.

on baCopyProgressUpdate thePercentage, theFilename
  -- called by baCopyFileProgress, when copying the files
  --  update progress bar percentage and current file being copied  
  tell gFileCopyDialog -- the MIAW
    if sprite(6).member.type = #flash then
      theProgress = sprite(6).getVariable("_root", false) -- it does
      theProgress.theBar.gotoAndStop(thePercentage) -- doesn't do this
      put theProgress.theBar._currentframe && "frame" -- "1.0000 frame",
it does this
      theProgress.setVaraible("theMsg", string("Copying: " &
theFilename)) -- doesn't do
      put theProgress.theMsg && "msg" -- " msg"
    end if
  end tell

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