I am a little late to come to this thread.  But try the below.
(Broymeo wrote:
(B> on testing this, that  --movieScript
(B     -- do "global gFoo" & this & "Bar"
(B     -- do "gFoo" & this & "Bar = " & that
(B     do "global gFoo" & this & "Bar"\
(B     & RETURN & "gFoo" & this & "Bar = " & that
(B>    showglobals
(B> end
(B> testing(1,2)
(B> results in:
(B> -- Global Variables --
(B> gFoo1Bar = 2
(B> version = "8.5.1"
(BGood luck,
(BFumio Nonaka
(BPhone: +81-42-397-9452
(BFax: +81-42-397-9452
(BMy books<http://www.FumioNonaka.com/Books/index.html>
(BSee also<http://www.F-site.org/>
(BRokunana Workshop of Media Design<http://www.67.org/ws/>
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