If I understand what you want to do, you basically want to implement a message board. In general, to do this, you have to have some sort of database (could be a real database, or even just a bunch of text files) on a server somewhere, so that a program can read the text, display it, and either add a message to a "thread" or start a new thread.

The Director On Line User Group does just this in purely PHP using a browser as it's interface. http://www.director-online.com click on Forum.

However, if you want to do this with a Director program, then you have to have the Director program send messages to a server accessable somewhere on the net. The Director program would use net Lingo calls to either getNetText or postNetText to send and/or receive messages. But the target of those messages would have to be some CGI or "middleware" program that receives such messages, and makes calls to either a database, or reads and writes files on the server.

So, your list below is not a choose one of the 6, rather, some combination of them.

If you want to learn more about using the netLingo calls, check out my online EBook at:

http://www.furrypants.com/loope see Chapter 14.


At 11:09 PM +0000 11/25/03, Justin Olmanson wrote:
Thanks to Grimmwerks, Nomshar and Pranav!

My question restated:

I am designing a program that helps isolated students solve riddles and other puzzles. I want to have a message board area that allows students to post their own riddles as well as solve those of others...

With the goal of keeping it seamless I wanted to have the message board area be viewable / usable from within the director application. I was thinking about checking out the html xtra and digging into net lingo but wanted to hear from others if such a thing is possible / easy to do / a
nightmare... better to open an external browser...

If I understand the response posts correctly then they are saying that my options are:

1. SQL db is option (but sucky)
2. Use php or perl as a go between
3. Use flash to do a xml socket connection...
4. Use a server side text file with meta data in xml format to apend and retrieve
5. Embed a webpage within director using:
a) cXtra WebBrowser
b)WebXtra Tabuleiro
c) html Xtra 2.0.5 Media Connect
6. Make the browser using netLingo calls (too much work)

These being my options I gravitate toward 5 (due to lack of skill with the others). I looked at each Xtra option and from what I could tell cXtra WebBrowser gave this novice the best vibe. My goal is for the bboard to feel like it is part of the app. / allow the posting of text (only) attachments not necessary and no need for offline viewing.

Does anyone have something to say about the 3 xtras listed? / personal experience / project fit...?

The learners just need to be able to view / navigate the posts via the links on the page as well as post their own messages.



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