hi peter,

you can easily simulate a multiline-command message window by your own
tool xtra. I've send you an example, just put lingo.dir in your xtras
folder, restart director and invoke it from the xtra menu. it supports
copy and paste, and instead of a slow "do()" command it uses a faster:

on mouseUp

as a simple test, type e.g.

repeat with i = 1 to 10
    put 23
end repeat

in the window and press the "GO" button.


Sébastien Portebois wrote:
> Hi Peter
>> I wonder, can Director script window have multiple statements in one
>> line?
>> e.g.
>> instead of
>> varA = 5
>> varB = 10
> yes you can, but is it totally inefficient ;¬)
> Here's the stupid workaround:
>    do("varA = 5" & RETURN & "varB = 10")
> Now that you've readi it, you can forgot about it :¬)
> cheers,
> séb
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