the list syntax works for text members only, for field members you have
to use a string instead:

Teo Petralia wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm getting mad with this simple command that is fontStyle. It should
> change the fontStyle of a field member or word or char but it doesn't
> work.
> I have used all different kind of syntax but nothing, is always come
> up with the dialog
> "String expected
> member("Storyteller").fontStyle = [#bold, #italic]
> member 44 of castLib 5
> To me it doesn't make any sense.
> On the learning folder of the Director program there is a movie
> called text that does something like that and when I run that movie
> the command seems to work, but why in my movie it doesn't?
> I use the script as a castmember script, I work with Director MX on a
> Macintosh running OS 10.3.1.
> Thanks for any suggestions
> Teo
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