Hi Tom,

Dunno if you can speak any more about this, but are flash members loaded into the 'commonPlayer' able to share any of their scope, such as _global? I ask because it could be advantageous if all the flash elements loaded into the player were aware of each other and could react to messages from one another without having to be all in the same swf...Basically more like the actual flash player does now.


Thomas Higgins wrote:

Oh, Flash member grouping eh? Honestly, this one is still in the lab with the engineers working hard. The technique I showed at MAX last November was this:

memberRef.commonPlayer = #someSymbol

All members whose commonPlayer property had the same symbol value were
loaded into and played by a single instance of the Flash Asset Xtra. As I'm

typing this I'm quite hesitant on saying more as we're still shaking out
some of the code. There are problems with the shared memory space that may
be problematic for code-heavy projects, so our engineers are busily working
away on this one. I'm in the 90+% zone for saying this _will_ be in, but
it's not a guaranteed item for sure (and I'm likely to be scolded for saying
this much anyway given that it's not a 100% certain deal AFAIK, oh well,
them's the breaks!).

Ok, so that's playing catch-up for yesterday's emails before I left, I'm now off to respond to all the others that have collected since then.

Cheers, Tom Higgins Product Specialist - Director Team Macromedia

Announcing Director MX 2004, de lekkerste!

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