On 18/1/04 4:01 AM, Slava Paperno wrote:

> I do switch image types, and maybe that's a no-no? But it works great in
> one of my dir files:
> member("pic").filename = "blank.tif"
> blank.tif is a 10 x 10 x 24-bit tiff image.
> I save/compress the movie. I play it, and then do:
> member("pic").filename = "imageA.gif"
> Looks great in one version of the movie, looks lousy in the other.
> I know the gif is 8-bit, but it looks great in the graphics editor and in
> one of my versions of the dir file.

Hi Slava,

>From memory I think I've seen this issue as well. Once you switch to an 8bit
image using member("x").filename then the palette for that image 'sticks'
for all subsequent filename switches to images greater than 8 bit. Maybe
Director does a puppetPalette when you switch images this way.

My bet is that if you make your gif images 16bit then everything will work.
You could also try using

puppetPalette 0

before switching to the next image.

___ Mark Martin         http://www.marmalademedia.com.au ___
___ Marmalade Multimedia                                 ___
___ Canberra, Australia       [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

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