On 2/19/04 5:30 AM, "Daniel Plaenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

>> Also have been having a lot of nasty flash asset xtra crashes in both mx and
>> mx04 of late...
> Yes, I see lots of "fatal error occured" in d10, too.
> Especially the commonplayer seems to be a piece of dynamite.

After installing 2004 I'm having a nice boatload of flash asset xtra
crashing that I can't understand. The problem too is that once I build a
projector in MX, the projector crashes with no alerts on other computers,
specifically the ibooks we were going to use for our control system.

It ain't good, and I've got no idea -- other than crashlogs which show flash
asset ppc thread errors -- what's going on.

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