At 01:09 PM 3/5/2004, you wrote:
> > "F:\All Risk
> > Training\modules\serviceInterruption\serviceInterruption.cst"
> The itemDelimiter = "\"
> delete the last item of...

Or to see that in the new MX'04 Lingo dot-syntax:

tStr = "F:\All Risk
_player.itemDelimiter = "\"
delete tStr.item[tStr.item.count]

or, get all the items except the last from the string, instead of deleting:

tPath = tStr.item[1..(tStr.item.count - 1)]

Both versions remove the delimiter, but to me it makes more sense that you are losing the delimiter in 'mine' than the delete line.

-- "F:\All Risk Training\modules\serviceInterruption"

Or in JavaScript syntax:

// remember to escape all backslash characters in JS!
var tStr = "F:\\All Risk
var tLast = tStr.lastIndexOf("\\");

// F:\All Risk Training\modules\serviceInterruption

Cheers, Tom Higgins Product Specialist - Director Team Macromedia


---------- roymeo(AT) ---------- i used to love you back when you wrote poetry

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