on 4/9/04 12:43 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi all...
> Are there any caveats to opening one Director projector from another
> Director projector?  Could anything like global or local variables or
> xtras get accidentally cross referenced?  And is there a way to have one
> executable send another executable a sendSprite or other command?  I
> know about buddyAPI's baSendKeys but the parameters seem to be just
> integers, where I'd ideally like to send another projector a string.  Is
> this possible?
> Thanks,
> Michael M.

When your projector starts up, it created temp files on the users hard
drive. When the first one is quitting and the second is starting up, the
second one can (and usually will) encounter problems trying to write its
temp files, while the other projected has completed its clean up. (There are
tech notes about this on the Macromedia site somewhere). What I've done in
the past was utilize a little VB app that my first projector calls then
quits. The VB app waits 10 or 15 seconds, (depending what I init it to do),
then it launches the second projector. Problem solved.

Since its two separate run-time experiences I'd write out a text file or
setprefs to store variables or necessary data to be retrieved by the second


John R. Sweeney Jr.        ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Interactive Multimedia Developer/
Digital Media Specialist

OnDemand - Interactive, Inc.
847.651.4469 (cell)      847.310.5959 (office/fax)

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