James Newton w/the hot, free code. My hero. Already plugging it in. Will give you an author credit.

Hm. I wonder how many Lingo projects contain uncredited James Newton code? Probably lots.

Really, much appreciated...


On Wednesday, Apr 28, 2004, at 12:10 US/Eastern, James Newton wrote:

On 28/4/04 12:23 pm, "2702NET" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anyone have code for decimal to binary conversion you wouldn't mind

Hi J,

This is about 30% faster than other leading brands :-)



----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

on DecimalToBitString(anInteger) ------------------------------------- -- INPUT: <anInteger> can be any positive or negative integer -- OUTPUT: Returns a 32-character string of 0s and 1s corresponding -- to the binary representation of <anInteger> --------------------------------------------------------------------

  if anInteger < 0 then
    tBitString = DecimalToBitString(the  maxInteger + 1 + anInteger)
    put "1" into char 1 of tBitString
    return tBitString
  end if

  tBitString = ""
  tZeros  = 32

  repeat while anInteger
    put anInteger mod 2 before tBitString
    anInteger = anInteger / 2
    tZeros    = tZeros - 1
  end repeat

  -- Comment out the following lines to return a short string of
  -- 1s and 0s if you are working with positive numbers only
  repeat while tZeros
    tBitString = "0"&tBitString
    tZeros     = tZeros - 1
  end repeat

  return tBitString
end DecimalToBitString

on BitStringToDecimal(aBitString) -------------------------------------
  -- INPUT: <aBitString> should be a string of 1s and 0s
  -- OUTPUT: the integer corresponding to the binary number in
  --         <aBitString>

  tBaseTen = 0
  tBits    = length (aBitString)

  repeat with i = 1 to tBits
    tBaseTen = tBaseTen * 2
    if (char i of aBitString = "1") then
      tBaseTen = tBaseTen + 1
    end if
  end repeat
  return tBaseTen
end BitStringToDecimal

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