Hi Folks,

Slightly off topic - but I know there are some Mac OS X/Unix Jockeys out there who might be able to help with this/point me in the right direction.

Here's the situation:

I have a little mini app (not written in Lingo) that I am launching from a Mac OS X projector (DirMX[9]/Mac OS X Jaguar) w/DirectXtras dosLaunchApp(). One of the things the launched mini app does is write some information to a file before quitting/returning.

Simple enough...everything fine in development.

The problem is when I copy everything to a new machine...the mini app still *launches* fine but won't create/write to the file. I guessed this was a permissions problem, changed permission on the mini app appropriately (or so I thought) to give all three groups (user, group, other) complete read/write/execute privileges but still no cigar. The owner of the mini app on the new machine (me) has admin privileges.

Oh, and I guess I should mention that the mini app launched from the projector is a "Classic" application.

Does it matter that I've made the mini app invisible?

Anyone have any idea what might be going wrong?

Grateful for any suggestions,


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