Dear Developer,

November is just around the corner, and this year's U.S. Presidential
election is heating up! I'm interested in finding out if any of you are
working on, or have ideas for, election-related content. If so, Macromedia
would be interested in talking to you about creating cool, viral,
election-themed Shockwave 10 content that could be used for marketing the
latest version of Shockwave. Who knows, it may just be the next big hit...

Your proposal should include a brief overview of your idea, including: a
relevant discussion of the theme, storyline, cast of characters, approximate
length, game-play instructions or interactivity highlights, or drawings.
Include links to prototypes or mock-ups if they are available.

Please send your proposals to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by 4PM PST,

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Best regards,
Emmy Huang
Product Manager, Shockwave Player
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