At 3:09 PM +1100 9/1/00, brian porter wrote:
>hello everyone!
>I'm very new to Lingo and I've got questions:

Welcome!  Pull up a chair, we've got plenty of room.

>1. Is it possible to creat a movie (projector) from
>Windows platform which will play and adjust when it is
>played in other system such as Mac?
>2. If it is not possible, what is the best solution to
>overcome this problem?

No, it is not possible.   In order to create a Mac projector, you 
must create it on a Mac.  Depending on the complexity of your program 
- that is if you do not expect to have any cross platform issues, or 
if you handle cross platform issues in your code:

   global gWin

   if the platform contains "Win" then
       gWin = TRUE
       gWin = FALSE

And use this global flag when you need to do something different 
depending on what platform you are on.  Then you can use a "stub 
projector".  This is a small Director program which does nothing but 

   go to movie "Main"  -- where Main is your real Director movie.

Then the small movie is turned into an executable.  These "stub 
projectors" are available somewhere (?) on the web.

But, if you are developing a commercial product, then it's the best 
advice is to build your program on all target platforms and test 
these regularly.

Good luck,

Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions
            (We even do weddings and Bar Mitzvahs!)
   See our kid's CD-Rom's at:

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