Brian Porter wrote:

> 1. Where should I write the code (flag code) that you
> showed me? 

As long as you include the "global gWin" that Irv wrote at the top of his
example, it doesn't matter where you write it; that flag will be available
anywhere.  Any type of script will suffice, but since you'll want it among
the first code that gets executed, you'll probably put it in a movie script
or a frame scipt, right at the beginning of your project.

> If I write it in my stub movie, do I
> have to make the stub movie using Director under
> Windows platform or the other platform?

'The other platform' is Mac, and you need not be nervous about mentioning it
in this forum. :)  MAC! (there, I said it for you).  Anyway, as Irv said,
you can make a stub .dir on using either Director for Windows or Director
for Mac.  But to compile that .dir into an .exe, you'll need DfW, and to
compile it into a Mac application you'll need DfM.  You can alternatively
find precompiled stub apps online.

Welcome to Lingo and Lingo-L. Hope this clears up your question.

* Rob Wingate, Software Human    *
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