William Brown wrote:

> The charts need to be listed as thumbnail sized buttons.

Up to 60 of them?  Yowza, that seems like a lot of buttons to have on

> The user selects the ones he/she wants and they appear
> elsewhere in order of selectionn on the screen. When the
> user selects the button he/she goes to that chart.

I'm missing something - what exactly happens when the user clicks a chart
button?  Do they appear elsewhere in order of selection, or do they send the
user to that chart?

> It would also be helpful if the forward and back buttons on 
> the individual screens he/she calls up reflect the new order.

You should set up & maintain a list for the user's 'chart order'. Start out
with an empty list, and add a chart each time the user clicks on a chart
button.  You could also read from that order when the user clicks a forward
or back button, to determine where to go next.

> In other words the user selects his/her chart order and then
> goes to a screen in the middle of the sequence he/she has 
> selected. The forward and back arrows now move him/her to the
> charts next to this chart and follow the sequence of his list.

Right.  This will be very straightforward if you use a list.

Are your charts all in separate .dirs, or are they external files that you
read into a single .dir?  Assuming a chart's 'name' (onscreen descriptor) is
different from its actual filename, you should use a property list that
holds at least two pieces of info for each chart -- a chart name and its
filename. Start out with an empty list, then when the user clicks a chart
button, add that set of data, for that particular chart, to the list.  That
becomes your 'chart order', and you can refer to it every time the user
clicks a forward/back button.

lsChartOrder = [:]

When a user clicks a button to add a chart to their personal 'order', you
add a dataset for that chart to the list:

on addNewChart, strChartName, strChartFileName
  -- 1. see if the user has already added this one
  bAlreadyExists = lsChartOrder.getaProp( strChartName )
  -- 2. bail if it's already there
  if not( voidP( bAlreadyExists )) then exit
  -- 3. add it, since we now know it's not already there
  lsChartOrder.addProp( strChartName, strChartFileName )

You'll need to set up lsChartOrder as a global variable, or better yet (much
better & my personal preference), as a RAM-resident object.  Then,
regardless of what .dir you're in, the chart order will be accessible.
Next, you'll need to add functions for accessing chart names or filenames
from the list:

on getAChartName intWhichChart
  return lsChartOrder.getPropAt( intWhichChart )

on getAChartFileName intWhichChart
  return lsChartOrder[ intWhichChart ]

Note that I've left error checking, such as verifying that intWhichChart is
within lsChartOrder's valid range, up to you.  At that point, when you need
a particular set of chart data, you get them like this:

-- perhaps attached to a NEXT button

on mouseUp
  -- I'll leave this implementation up to you also
  currentChartPositionInOrder = currentChartPositionInOrder + 1
  -- get the next chart's data
  nextChartName     = getAChartName( currentChartPositionInOrder )
  nextChartFileName = getAChartFilename( currentChartPositionInOrder )

  -- go there
  go movie nextChartFileName
  member("chartDescriptor").text = nextChartname

Well I didn't intend to write this much, but it appears I have.  This is a
totally simple implementation, but it should get you started.

Hope this helps,

* Rob Wingate, Software Human    *
* http://www.vingage.com         *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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