Dear All,

Hello again, just thought I'd ask one fundamental question before setting up
the basis for the game we are developing.

Is there any reason why we shouldn't use Flash sprites that (on collision or
whatever) have their frame changed to modify them. This would work in a
similar manner to exchanging the member that is on a given sprite channel
but will it be quick enough, are there any reasons why Flash shouldn't be
used and so on....??

I have just purchased a copy of Advanced Lingo for Games by Gary
Rosenzweig - absolutely amazing. Haven't found any mention of this Flash
issue yet though.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Sam and the Elektonika team.

P.S. if anyone is interested in checking out and
passing on any comments that would be cool (may be a few bugs at the
moment) - is this allowed on this mailing list? sorry if not.


= elektonika =
= just another nu-meeja company =
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