On Tue, 10 October 2000, "Karina Steffens" wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> > I have been trying to run a QuickTime movie in shockwave
> > across the web with no luck.  When I test it on my computer
> > it work fine, but, once I upload it and test it over the web
> > everything works, but the QuickTime movie.  I put everything
> > in the same folder, DCR, DIR, mov.  What am I doing wrong?
> There are two things you can try, you'll probably need both of them.
> 1. Check the download as needed box for the QuickTime Asset Xtra
> 2. Name the folder where everything is "dswmedia" (you need that to be able
> to see any kind of linked media)
I'm using Director 8, I could not find the download as needed box?  

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