You've got the fileIO extra in your xtras folder? any other xtra you need?

brian porter wrote:
> hi everyone!
> I have got a problem with my project.
> I'm trying to make a dictionary for language learners
> on their interactive reading text.
> I created two movies :
> movie 1 is called "story.dir"
> movie 2 is called "dict.dir" -- abreviation for
> 'dictionary'
> It should work like this: movie 1 opened, the user can
> right click on anywhere on the stage and a pop up
> sprite come up. When the user click the sprite, it
> opens a MIAW called "dict".
> However, when I try this in authoring mode everything
> seems okay. but when i created a projector from the
> movie "story.dir", an error occur.
> It seems the command that I use to open the MIAW is
> okey but when the MIAW is starting to open an error
> occur. It says "script error".
> I already try to check every single code on the  both
> movies and everything seems okay. But the error still
> occur.
> THIS IS THE SCRIPT in my movie "dict.dir"
> It seems this is the problem.
> I don't know what it is.
> Could anybody please help me?
> THANKS ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> -- movieScript
> global initialFile1,initialFile2
> on startMovie
>   set member("meaning").editable = false
>   initialFile1 = new (xtra"FileIO")
>   initialFile2 = new (xtra"FileIO")
>   createFile (initialFile1,"c\filedic1.txt")
>   createFile (initialFile2,"c\filedic2.txt")
>   openFile (initialFile1,"c\filedic1.txt",0)
>   openFile (initialFile2,"c\filedic2.txt",0)
>   if readFile(initialFile1) = "" then
>     writeString(initialFile1,member("temp1").text)
>     writeString(initialFile2,member("temp2").text)
>     closeFile(initialFile1)
>     closeFile(initialFile2)
>     openFile (initialFile1,"c\filedic1.txt",0)
>     openFile (initialFile2,"c\filedic2.txt",0)
>     member("databank1").text = readFile(initialFile1)
>     member("databank2").text = readFile(initialFile2)
>     writeString(initialFile1,"")
>     writeString(initialFile2,"")
>     closeFile(initialFile1)
>     closeFile(initialFile2)
>   else
>     initialFile1 = new (xtra"FileIO")
>     initialFile2 = new (xtra"FileIO")
>     createFile (initialFile1,"c\filedic1.txt")
>     createFile (initialFile2,"c\filedic2.txt")
>     openFile (initialFile1,"c\filedic1.txt",0)
>     openFile (initialFile2,"c\filedic2.txt",0)
>     member("databank2").text = readFile(initialFile2)
>     member("databank1").text = readFile(initialFile1)
>     writeString(initialFile1,"")
>     writeString(initialFile2,"")
>     closeFile(initialFile1)
>     closeFile(initialFile2)
>   end if
> end if
> end

R. Bhakti Klein
Lingo Programmer, Scientific Learning
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
                              -- Mother Theresa

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