Check out the Xtra list at the Macromedia site and examine
the offerings from the various "3D Engine" xtras. I believe
that at least 2 of these Xtras have dynalic lights, but you
might have to do the splines yourself... which ain't hard.
Drop me a line if you need help on that part...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Phelan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 9:01 AM
> Subject: <lingo-l> Can I Control Z-axiz bezier/nurbs points?
> 2nd Posting
> Hello. Is there a feature for controlling Z-positions in 
> wireframes/bezier
> splines in Director. Can I smoothly map a sprite over this 
> and if so is
> there a movable light that I can use to show the 3D effect. ie. a
> rudimentary 3d engine like a 'mini Rhino'
> I am a Computer Related Design MA student in London's Royal 
> College of Art
> and an ex 3D Studio Max lecturer/industrial designer.
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