> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lingo-L Digest)
> Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 01:13:29 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Lingo-L Digest V1 #1674
> Nice job, Gopinath, especially for your first project.
> Now that I've seen it, I agree with Mark--I think your movies are small
> enough to download the whole thing at once.
> The only thing that didn't seem to work right was the "Skip intro" button.
> It came and went so quickly I didn't have a chance to click it--in fact, it
> actually seemed to avoid my mouse cursor.
> Good job, though. Keep plugging away!
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
Thanx a lot for that encouragement! :)
that's what I thrive on.
I didn't expect a busy person like u to checkout the site so soon!
Thanx again

that skip button WAS a flash movie. it moves towards right onMouseOver
WAS b'cause it's gone
the made me remove most of the animations.
the 115K index has become 15K now

Thanx once more


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