Here's a practical example to bolster what Kerry said.

When you use me in a behavior, each handler that uses it
has access to the properties and globals declared for
the behavior.

Here's my generic rollover script:

property mySprite, spriteNum, orgMem, rollMem

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(spriteNum)
  orgMem =
  rollMem = orgMem & "_roll"

on mouseEnter me
  mySprite.member = rollMem

on mouseLeave me
  mySprite.member = orgMem

Because I used me on each of those handlers, they have
access to the behavior properties declared at the beginning
of the behavior.  If I was to delcare a global as well,
they would have access to that.  Such that:

global gSomeVariable

on myHandler me
  put gSomeVariable

Because I used me, I don't need to declare the global again
inside myHandler.

It also refers directly to the behavior (hence, me).

me.spriteNum is the spriteNum associated with the behavior,
the sprite that the behavior is attached to.

Check out this article for more on OOP, me, and dot syntax:

Steven Sacks

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Kerry Thompson
> Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 12:43 AM
> Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Behaviour Script "me"
> >I have a query the answer to which i hope is very simple. When we give a
> >behaviour script the mouseup handler is followd by "me" . What does this
> >stand for?
> Briefly, "me" is the instance of the behavior or parent script--in your
> case, probably a behavior attached to a sprite.
> For example, if you attach the behavior to a half-dozen sprites, each
> sprite would be a "me". You would be creating a half-dozen
> instances of the
> behavior, each with a "me" reference.
> Does that help?
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
> Sr. Interface Engineer
> Learning Network
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