> I'm building a presentation on a Mac with Dir 7.0. I put cue points in
> my sound using  SoundEdit 16 ... the timing seems to really throw off
> the animation ... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ...
> any suggestions? 
> is using lingo-controlled cue points better for this?

Hi Tanya

I agree. Cue points work hardly - for my personal experiences. But there's a
workaround. Use "the timer" to record time and a field to set your own
"cuepoints", here's how it works:

1. Create a field [named: TALK_WORKFLOW] and set a dummy list of
milliseconds, for instance:

[650,1070,1600, 2000, 2830, 3455]

2. Create a field [TALK_WORKFLOW_TEXT] and set some text on every line:

Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3

3. Create start movie handler:

on startMovie me

4. Create a behavior:

-- Danger, email lingo ahead...

-- Cue Point Behavior

property pBusy, pActionSprite
property pTalkerText
property pTimer, pTimerDifference
property pSoundLength
property pCueList, pCueListCount, pCurrentCue

on beginSprite me
  me.pActionSprite = the spriteNum of me
  me.pBusy = FALSE
  me.pCurrentCue = 0
  me.pCueList = []
  me.pCueListCount = 0

on makeCueTimerObj me, thisTalkerSymbol, thisTalkerText, thisSoundFile
  case (me.pBusy) of
      me.pTalkerText = thisTalkerText
      me.pCueList = value (field(member thisTalkerSymbol))
      me.pCueListCount = me.pCueList.count
      me.pCurrentCue = 1

      -- Cause sound files comes with duration value in milliseconds
      -- convert to ticks...

      kMilliseconds = member(thisSoundFile, "UISounds").duration
      me.pSoundLength =  integer(kMilliseconds/16.66666666666666)
      -- show results in message window...
      put "Text is: " & line me.pCurrentCue of \
                                    field (member me.pTalkerText)
      -- track timing...
      me.pTimerDifference = the timer
      me.pBusy = TRUE
      cursor 4

      -- preload the sound file...
      cursor -1
      puppetSound 1, (thisSoundFile)
  end case

--do idle handling...
on exitFrame me
  case (me.pBusy) of
      -- if we're on...
      -- evaluate timer difference...
      kCurrentTime = the timer - me.pTimerDifference
      -- check if reached sound duration already...
      case (kCurrentTime >= me.pSoundLength) of
        TRUE: -- stop
          me.pBusy = FALSE
      end case
  end case
  --check for cue points...
  case ( me.pCurrentCue = me.pCueListCount ) of
    FALSE: -- if not reached limit...
      case (kCurrentTime > me.pCueList[me.pCurrentCue]) of
        TRUE: me.pCurrentCue = me.pCurrentCue + 1
          put "Text is: " & line me.pCurrentCue of \
                                    field (member me.pTalkerText)
      end case
  end case

5. Rename a your sample sound file (without cuepoints) to "sample"

6. Create frame scripts in score [frame 1]:

on exitFrame me

7. Create frame scripts in score [frame 3]:

on exitFrame me
  go the frame

8. Drag the "Cue Point Behavior" to a dummy member on sprite 1

How it works:

Play the movie and open the message window. The soundfile will be preloaded
and starts to play. If the first "cue point" in field "TALK_WORKFLOW" has
been reached, the behavior "Cue Point Behavior" puts line x of current "cue
point" of field "TALK_WORKFLOW_TEXT" into the message window.

To achieve more useful results, change the text data in field
"TALK_WORKFLOW_TEXT" to handler names, for instance:


Thus, create according handlers and...

... therefore change the exitFrame handler in "Cue Point Behavior"...


put "Text is: " & line me.pCurrentCue of field (member me.pTalkerText)


do line me.pCurrentCue of field (member me.pTalkerText)

However, I hope this works (untested), or you get the idea...

    Best of luck & a nice weekend to all



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