> Hi, Ken.
> This won't take long.
> 1.  Start a new director movie.
> 2.  Create a movie script and type
> the following.
> on startMovie
> set the exitLock = TRUE
> end
> on keyDown
> put "The keyCode for" && the key  ¬
> && "is" && the keyCode
> end
> 3.  Create a frame script.
> on exitFrame
> go the frame
> end
> 4. Open the Message Window.
> 5. Play the movie then click the stage.
> 6.  Press any key and watch
> the message window.
> You may not actually see the key *ESC* or
> *TAB* but I guess you have the idea already.
> Have a nice day.
> cheers,
> John Erazo
>>> How can I detect when the "ESCAPE" Key is pressed? what is the key code
>>> number?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Ken
or get the little tool I made, cos I got tired of typing in the Watcher

- go to http://www.ultimatum.dk/ask/director/
- click on "Keyboard Tester"
- click downLoad
- unzip
- copy the downloaded file into the director xtras folder
- restart director
- select xtras/keyTestsmall
- hit escape key (or any other key you need to know the number of
- click on the window-close-button
- continue programming

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