Don't know if this applies in this situation, but I remember that there was
a bug in flash 4 where the embed tag was not properly formed  - it was
missing the parameter


On the off chance that the same thing is happening in the html that director
is generating, you might try adding


inside of embed tag as well as the object tag.

Also, does the externalParamName function compensate for the different
browser document object models?

For example, a quick look at the code generated by Flash 5 to do something
similar shows that it generate the following code:

var InternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
var Movie1Obj = InternetExplorer ? sw1 : document.sw1;


Lee Goldschmidt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kerry Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 6:31 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> Getting a parameter from html

> I'm passing an HTML parameter into Shockwave. It works fine in IE, but not
> in Netscape. The html is:
> <param name = sw1 value = "1">
> <embed src="crossword.dcr" bgColor=#FFFFFF  width=560 height=520
> swRemote="swSaveEnabled='false' sw1 = "1" swVolume='true'
> swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swContextMenu='true' "
> swStretchStyle=none
>   type="application/x-director"
> pluginspage=""></embed>
> This is all within the standard <object> stuff that D8 generates.
> I'm reading the parameter in my movie with:
>    if externalParamName ("sw1") = "sw1" then
>       lWhichPuzzle = value(externalParamValue("sw1"))
>       yada yada
>     end if
>   Is there a way to get this to work with Netscape?
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
> Learning Network
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