For 16-bit or better shows at 800 X 600 ppi I've made the minimum
requirement a 266 Mhz box. Video can have a lot of flavors on NT so make
sure your user has the properly installed codecs for Windose Media Player. I
always embed video in separate Director files, as I've had after images when
the show has moved to another frame. This has solved that problem.
Will Brown
Creative Services
> ----------
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 7:56 AM
> Subject: Re: <lingo-l> NT projector question
> I agree with Rich regarding NT - and I myself develop using Director under
> NT. I am not too sure about the performance issues that were mentioned as
> a
> result of the machines being older as I use NT because 95/98 don't support
> dual processors properly.
> So far as sound and video are concerned - I would definitaly recommend
> using
> QT3 and the QT3Mix sound device. It is lower latency than MacroMix and it
> supports more channels of audio better - plus making sure they have QT3+
> on
> their machine means that video playback is guaranteed. The latest and
> greatest DirectSound sound device can - as far as I am aware - not be used
> under NT as it requires a newer version of DirectX to be installed than
> Microsoft have chosen to support - It is a nightmare really but careful
> use
> of sound etc. can work well - have you considered the Beatnik Xtra for
> audio
> playback?
> Otherwise NT is (almost) the same as 98 in terms of Director projects...
> Hope this is of help,
> Sam and the Elektonika team.
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