Hi Daniel

A stub projector is quite simply a very basic director movie that is saved
out as a projector. Basically a stub projector is generally created at the
same size (stage rect) as the other movies that will be playing. It has a
single movieScript that in short contains a startMovie handler that directs
to you to the next movie.

on startMovie
        go to movie "first"
end startMovie

where "first" is the name of the first movie that you will have in your
project. Example "first.dir" or "first.dcr" or "first.dxr" by excluding the
extension Director will automatically find the file in the directory or
folder that is a valid director file named "first". Doing this means that
you don't have to worry about changing the extension when you go to create
your final project. Thus you in general create the stub projector once,
reuse it numerous times at any point during the development of your project
without having to constantly recreate the stub.

The other thing about a stub projector is that you don't include the xtras
that will be used in the project. Basically go to Modify -> Movie -> Xtras
and make sure that you uncheck the box that states include in projector
you'll have to do this for each Xtra. Then create a folder named Xtras and
place it the same directory as your stub projector. Then add the Xtras that
you need to that folder. That way when the stub projector starts up, it
doesn't have to decompress a large quantity of Xtras, it simply has to grab
the required Xtra from the Xtras folder as it needs it.

That gives a very barebones type movie to open and launch the next movie.
Simple and clean and no overhead of unpacking a lot of unnecessary crap.
Also if you design your project this way, you could convert it from one
platform to another ie. windows to mac via just creating a mac stub to
launch your files, provided that you don't use any OS specific Xtras in your
project (Xtras that are Windows only and have no Mac equivalent or vice

Hope this helps.



Mark R. Jonkman
Mark R. Jonkman Consulting
ADDRESS: 20 Windermere Crt., Guelph, ON, CANADA N1E 3L4
PHONE: 519-837-8509

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