Hi Hilda,

These are all only my opinions....

I'd like to be able to skip the Flash intro - I didn't see where that was

The 'i' logo at the end of the Flash intro looked pretty scrappy - can't you
recreate it as a vector? Didn't like the intro either - looked tacky.

Then....another intro? I liked the Shockwave intro in terms of the style -
aliased bits were cool. The message was a bit hard to follow and full of
cliches but I guess it depends who your target market is.

In terms of the site itself - the scrolling design was OK - it annoyed me a
bit when it was going flat out when over the buttons at the edge. Content
seems OK as well but in the advertising section when rolling over the 'our
work ideas' button I got the following script error:

Cast member name expected


+++ there ended my testing +++




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----- Original Message -----
From: "hr016356" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 12:24 AM
Subject: <lingo-l> Site Check Please------------

> Ok, since nobody replied to my previous posting, I'd like to hear some
> comments about this web site that we've just launched.
> www.i-creationdesign.com
> *It takes a little time to load though, hope I can get some responses this
> time
> bye
> Hilda
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