Dear Hilda,

I know everyone else has said this, but I just had to write - a 3 meg
download? You're having a laugh. In capitals. Personally I only use a 56k
modem, which is pretty standard for the majority of UK internet users (brief
query - what is it in a America?) , and I get irritated with the 400k
downloads you see on most 'professional' web designer's sites. I mean
really. 3 megs. Seriously. I get worried that my site ( is
too slow, and that's only 2x 100k on the Flash version. Sorry to keep on
about it, but, well , 3 megs, I mean, honestly... Hopefully it'll look cool
when I get to see it. Minor comment - might you think about doing a more
exact match between the Flash background and your page colour?



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