Hi Chandrashekar,

I've done something similar just recently, maybe the explanation of what I
did helps you solve your problem. I wanted to record all the movements of
the user of a cd-rom (in addition to that I wanted to record the time that
the user spends in each chapter, but that doesn't matter here)

Here are the steps in an overview:

1) recognize that the user has moved to a new chapter ANYWHERE and AT ALL
TIME in the movie
2) anytime he does that, save the frame number ot the new chapter in an
internal list

Type this as a movie script

global gLastFrame         -- last visited frame
global gLastChapter       -- last visited chapter
global gVerlaufLst        -- linear list with the frame numbers of all
visited chapters in chronological order

on startMovie
  gVerlaufLst = []        -- initializing the list
  gLastFrame = 0

on enterframe
  x = the frame                    -- save actual frame
  if abs(x - gLastFrame) > 2 then  -- if the difference betwenn the last
frame and the actual frame is greater than 2 then the movement of the play
                                   -- was a movement to another chapter.
Maybe you need to define another difference than 2, it depends on what jumps
                                   -- you have within your chapters
    add gVerlaufLst, x             -- in this case add the chapter to the
  end if
  gLastFrame = x                   -- save the actual frame number in the
variable "last frame"

You now have alle the visited chapters in the internal list and shouldn't
have a problem in programming a user interface to jump to that chapters

I hope I could help you

Michael von Aichberger

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] im Auftrag
von Chandra shekar Reddy
Gesendet am:    Dienstag, 21. November 2000 10:12
Betreff:        <lingo-l> recent links ...

Hi  this is chandrashekar reddy from INDIA

I had an probelem when working on an CBT...in whcih my client wants to have
(recent) as one button.

once the user visits the link. it should contain the frame in which all the
previously visited links should be present and they had to be in an order
how the user visited the links ...

pl. help me in related to this..
i am unable to get the logic.

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