YEs.. Those FATAL ERRORS are driving me crazy too!

I have a huge project to deliver, but I couldn't just because there's a 
module that always causes fatal errors.

It's a  module that uses a quicktime movie, a flash scroll and some images. 
I tried to remove the elements, reimport the cast members, recreate the 
image, recreate the flash file but I couldn't find out what's causing the 

Had anybody ever experienced that?

I use Director 7.02, flash 4 and  Quicktime 4. All of them legally 
registered. No crack versions of anything like that.
I just bought the versoin 8 of Director. Now it's much more stable but 
sometimes still causes the fatal error.

More information: it causes in 2 situations:
1)  When I click the button to go to another frame(My Back button)
2)  It goes to the target frame and crashes while it's loading the file. I 
noticed already that it's when Director is loading the Flash file.

I hope someone have already experienced that and can help me.

Thank you,
Mario Sergio Renor

----Original Message Follows----
From: Conrad Ayala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: <lingo-l> fatal errors
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 13:34:21 -0500

No, but I am developing on a Mac using a tablet instead ofa mouse.  But
When I run it on a PC it give the fatal error.  No fatal error shows up
when I run it ona a MAC.

At 10:45 PM 12/1/00 +0200, you wrote:
 >Does anyone know why Director causes a fatal errors sometimes?  Sometimes
 >when a fatal error does happen, all I have to do is move a sprite down a
 >level or two.  Why is that?  What causes it?  And Ho wcan I have it stop
 >causing a fatal error?
 >Are you using a wheel mouse?
 >Director sometimes crashes when clicking a sprite and the scroll with the
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Conrad Ayala
Interface Architect
The Spin Group, Inc.
Phone 1-414-672-8888  Fax 1-414-672-8183

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