Hi everyone

I wonder if anyone can help me out? I really urgently need to provide Lingo to make a 
very basic game idea I have work in Director. I'm quite inexperienced at programming 
languages and do need some help. I am doing it to showcase my 2-D grpahics skills and 
to do this, they must be incorporated into a fully playable 'level'.

I have some examples of the Lingo I think I need to use, but I'm unsure how to 
incorporate it into my project by changing it and re-arranging it to suit my needs.

I need the script to make
a) a player's sprite move around the screen

b) make the sprite's gun run the 'fire' animation when the space-bar is pressed

c) make the enemy sprites 'home in' on the player

d) make obstacles in the scenery for the player

e) have an onscreen timer

f) have a scoring system

g) make the screen flip to a new screen when the side of it is reached (as in the old 
Zelda on SNES).

If anyone thinks that they can help me out and wants to peruse the Lingo I have so far 
accumulated, please mail me back as soon as possible, I'd be very grateful.

Thanks in advance


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