At 3:40 PM -0600 12/4/00, Fred Westermeyer wrote:
>I need some information on setting the tempo for my project. Working 
>in D7.02, I have a background with stars coming out from the back. 
>The stars and there names are zoom in and zoom out but when the 
>zooming in/out the project show down. How can I keep the tempo up at 
>all times. Right now moves like the tempo is set at 15 to 20.
>In the first frame I have:
>on exitFrame
>    puppetTempo 900


First, puppetTempo has had a history of unreliability.  It would seem 
clearer and easier to open the tempo channel (first row in the score) 
and set a tempo.

Second, the tempo you specify is a maximum.   Director will try to 
make you program run as fast as it can up to the tempo you specify. 
But if you are trying to do too much, or are inefficient in your 
programming or overtaxing the CPU in other ways (e.g., displaying 
many large deep bitmaps, etc,), the frame rate will suffer.  Try to 
figure out what you are doing to make Director work so hard (only 
displaying at 15 fps).

Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.

        (Over two millions lines of Lingo code served!)

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