> 1) how can i make a graphic my mouse pointer with out having 
> to use the 8bit INsert cursor method..

In Director's help file (INDEX tab), you'll find info on the following,
among others:

cursor command
cursor:  creating animated
cursors: changnig cast members used for

Lots of subtopics too, of course.

> 2)how do i group sprites together...

Uhhh, what do you mean? Move different sprites on the stage as a group?
Drop a behavior on each one that has a "GroupMove" or whatever handler,
then when you want them to move, use sendAllSprites #GroupMove. 

> 3) How can i move a srite around the screen using the mouse 
> down function and see the sprite movieing at the same time....

For a quick & easy way, drop a behavior on that sprite that has Lingo
like this in it:

property fMoving

on mouseDown me
  fMoving = TRUE

on mouseUp me
  fMoving = FALSE

on exitFrame me
  if fMoving then
    sprite(me.spriteNum).loc = the mouseLoc
  end if


* Rob Wingate, Software Human    *
* http://www.vingage.com         *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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