At 11:15 AM +0800 12/14/00, John Erazo wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>I think have I found a better approach to what was
>I was trying to achieve - a case-insensitive search
>through a linear list of text strings. getOne() and
>getPos() will not work in my situation.


I'm sorry I haven't followed this too closely, but I do have a 
different approach.  If you use symbols instead of strings, then you 
can use "getOne" for your lookup.  It will be very fast and 
case-insensitive.  From the message window:

-- Welcome to Director --
gList = [#sun, #mercury, #venus, #earth, #mars]

put getOne(gList, #SuN)
-- 1
put getOne(gList, #VENUS)
-- 3
put getOne(gList, #venus)
-- 3
put getOne(gList, #notFoundInList)
-- 0
put getOne(gList, symbol("EARTH"))
-- 4

Notice in the last one, that you can turn a string into a symbol easily.


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.

        (Over two millions lines of Lingo code served!)

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