> Otherwise you might as well program with movie script
> handlers and 500 globals ;)

I once inherited a huge app that was programmed exactly this way (but
far worse than you can imagine), and it was truly four months of
sadness. I would never wish this on anyone.

> Another example of "form" that really works is naming conventions.

Love the naming conventions. The naming conventions are good.

Whether you spend one minute writing a few accessor or manipulator
methods, or prefer to set object properties directly from outside, know
that it may not *only* matter to you. I breathed fire for four months
because of someone else's horrendous coding, and you probably have, too.

The point is this:  you decide your own coding style, and you accept
responsibility for it either working or breaking. What works under one
set of circumstances may break under another, so if your coding style
locks you into practices that others consider dangerous, it might be
well for you to consider modifying your style to one that is safe for as
many situations as possible.

One can retain their own personality, creativity, and individuality
while adopting and adapting. It's called learning.

2 cents,

* Rob Wingate, Software Human    *
* http://www.vingage.com         *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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