At 13:56 18.12.2000 +0100, Jakob Hede Madsen wrote:
>At 4:04 +0100 2000_12_18, Daniel Plaenitz wrote:
>>>But, to answer your question:
>>hmm. This may be extraordinarily subtle humor or, borne German, I#m 
>>missing something fundamental. Anyway, "KURT" appears to be quite inert 
>>with only pCHN counting up from 1 to 4 on mouseUp. (w2k)
>Of course it's subtle humour!   ;-)


>Is it because I don't take proper care of streaming the member fully in 
>before attempting the preload?


my apologies for any grief that stupid question of mine may have caused 
you, as indeed I was missing something fundamental: not being prepared for 
multimedia it just didn't cross my mind I could reach for the earphones to 
my right.
Now the good thing about this: more than 24 hours after you made that joke 
there was still someone laughing about it.

best regards
daniel plaenitz

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