At 7:53 PM -0800 1/3/2001, Jonathan wrote:
>If I have 10 sprites which activate a sound ( the same sound for each )when
>another sprite hits it, how do how i let the sound continue to play while
>another has started and so on....
>e.g :
>if i had a button which starts a sound on keypress, multiple keypresses
>would create layers of the sound.

you can write a little function to check for a free sound channel and 
return a channel number:

on getSndChannel

   repeat with i = 1 to 8 -- or perhaps less on the PC
     if not soundBusy(i) then
         return i
     end if
   end repeat
   return FALSE

called like:

myChannel = getSndChannel()

if myChannel <> FALSE then
   puppetsound myChannel, "someSound"
end if


     Roy Pardi
Contract Multimedia Developer   +  Lingo Programmer
                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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