At 13:09 05.01.01 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a question on Getnettext. I am using Director to get a text file
>from the server. However if I change that file in the same session.
>When I tell director to getnettext again it seems not to go to the
>server again but uses the older version. I believe the file is cached
>but I could be mistaken. It seems that if I use the clearcache
>statement it locks up the getnettext but if I stop director and then
>run it again it goes to the server and gets the new file. How can I
>always get director to read that file from the server all the time

To convince the browser that what you want is a new file and not the thing 
it keeps in the cache, change the url.
ie, add a dummy parameter to the url which makes it look like a query.

dUrl = ""
dUrl = dUrl & "?dummy=" & string(the milliseconds)

best regards
daniel plaenitz

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