How can I print aligned columns with printomaticLite? Data was taken from
v12 database.

I created handler to make each column same width and when I preview results
in message window I got perfectly aligned data like this:

Ariel            15                27                56
Mano           27               25                24
But when I make Append command and call printpreview I got columns like
Ariel            15                27                56
Mano              27                 25                24

My Handler checks the width of column and add spaces from last char to
desired column width like this. (line represents space)

I now that printing is not the same like screen preview, and when I print
result letter "i" is not as wide like "d" and because that I got bad align.
How can I resolve this problem?

I sucseed to write results in a text member where my handler works well and
I have perfectly aligned columns. I tried to print text from that member bud
I got same results.
Next I have idea to convert text member into bitmap on the fly and print
data like bitmap, but this is nightmare.
The easiest way is to set tab positions with tabs command and use TAB in
APPEND command like:
APPEND doc, FirstCol & TAB & SecCol & TAB & ThirdCol & RETURN
But I have print result like this:

PrintomaticLite doesn't recognize TAB or numToChar(9) !!??

Do you ever resolve that kind of problem?

Is there any other way to print aligned data from v12 database with
PrintomaticLite or some other xtras.

Please help me,

Thank you
Dejan Cicic

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