
It's not the "value" property you want, it's the "text" property. And the
data for a node is another child of the node that contains it, so to access
the data for that first "userid" node, you'll need to tack on another level:


Christopher Watson
Sr. Software Engineer
Lightspan, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 1/16/01 12:18 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> XML Question

So here is the issue. I have an xml document being parsed into director
that look like this

[snip XML]

If I do a parse on this tree like this I get this 
put gparserObject2.child[1].child[1].child[1].child[1].name
-- "userid"
However I can not seem to get the value of this tag which should be 0
or so 
The documentation says I should be able to get it by saying 
put gparserObject2.child[1].child[1].child[1].child[1].value 
However I get a <void> instead. What is can I do ?

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